School History
Key Middle School opened its doors to students for the first time on February 1, 1971. Prior to that day, classes were held at what was then called Robert E. Lee High School (now John R. Lewis High School).

In September 1968, in anticipation of the opening of a future intermediate school in the vicinity, an eighth-grade class was organized at Robert E. Lee High School under the leadership of then Assistant Principal John M. Martin. Initially called Lee Intermediate, the school expanded to include seventh graders in September 1970. In November 1970, at the suggestion of students, the new building under construction was named Francis Scott Key Intermediate School by the Fairfax County School Board.

Built for a capacity of 1,400 students, some 950 students were enrolled at Key during the 1970-71 school year. John M. Martin continued to serve as principal until 1981.
A Look Back
In 1997, Key Middle School was the subject of the FCPS cable television channel series “Profile.” The Red Apple 21 crew spent several days at Key, gathering interviews with teachers and classroom footage. The resulting 30-minute documentary provides a fascinating snapshot of Key in the late 1990s.
What's in a Name?
Learn about the origin of our school's name in this video produced for Fairfax County Public Schools’ cable television channel Red Apple 21.